Community Events
You are invited along to the Belmont Senior Citizen's Club for a cuppa and a chat...
Little Friends Playgroup are a small group where the kids get to play and the parents get to have a chat!
Social Club for Housebound Seniors

Little Friends Playgroup
You are invited to join the Belmont Senior Citizen's Club for a cuppa and a chat.
Social clubs are hosted at the Club every Friday between 10:30am and 1:30pm. Everyone is welcome, and you can bring along your knitting, crochet, etc too.
The Club bus will pick you up and bring you home.
Afternoon tea is provided. Lunch is available to purchase or bring your own.
Costs: $1.00 attendance fee
$0.50 raffle tickets (each)
$2.00 bus fare
$5.00 lunch if required
Ring Mary or Heather at the Belmont Senior Citizen's Club with enquiries and bookings -9478 1808

Are you looking for a playgroup?
Little Friends Playgroup are a small group where the kids get to play and the parents get to have a chat!
We offer a secure location, lots of toys, art and craft every week and morning tea for the kids each week (fruit).
Friday mornings 9:30am - 11:30am (during school term) at the Redcliffe Community Centre.
Bring along a piece of fruit to share.
Fees: $35 per term. First session is free.
Contact us at or 0413 875 159.