Care Plans
Care Plan
A Care Plan is a plan of action between a doctor and patient and is used to assist patients who have chronic, complicated health conditions and generally involves a team of allied healthcare providers. A Care Plan is also referred to as a GP Management Plan.
Your Care Plan helps doctors and other healthcare providers coordinate the treatment and support you need to manage your health condition.
Medical conditions eligible for Care Plans include conditions such as:
Heart Disease
Or any other medical condition that has been present for more than 6 months
Your Plan will list your medical conditions, the types of services you will receive to treat those conditions, as well as who will provide those services and when. You can choose who provides your healthcare – let your doctor or nurse know who your preferred providers are when they create your care plan.
This plan of action is created to record goals and actions discussed between the patient and their GP, which aims to improve the patient’s health. It identifies a patient’s health care needs and priorities, outlines the services their GP will provide, and lists the actions the patient can take to help manage their condition.
Your Plan will cover the following:
the patient’s healthcare needs, health problems and relevant conditions
your management goals and actions.
treatment and services that you may will need
arrangements for providing the treatment and services
arrangements to review the plan.
Patients are eligible if they have a chronic condition for at least 6 months.
Patients with a GP Management Plan in place who also have complex care needs are eligible for a Team Care Arrangement. This allows GP’s to refer you for Medicare subsidised consultations with Allied health care providers, who will provide different ongoing treatment and communication with each other.
Once the Team care arrangement is in place, your GP can refer you to your chosen healthcare providers and Medicare provide a rebate for up to five visits per calendar year with eligible Allied Health practitioners.
Team Care Arrangement
How long does a Care Plan last?
Your care plan remains valid as long as it reflects your current healthcare needs. If your needs change, you can request a new care plan.
Care Plan Reviews
Once a plan is in place, it should be regularly reviewed by your GP. This is an important part of the plan cycle, where you with your GP and practice nurse check that your goals are been met and agree on any changes that you may require.
GP Management Plans and Team Care Arrangements are prepared once every 2 years and reviewed every three to six months based on advice from your GP.